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Sculpture of 'Christ the Worker' in Blackburn Cathedral.
Woven Globe; Blackburn
Blackburn Town Hall
Sculptures in Church Street, Blackburn
Statue of Queen Victoria, Blackburn
King William Street, Blackburn
Blackburn Cathedral
Blackburn Railway Station
Sculptures in Church Street Blackburn
Blackburn Cathedral sculpture
The nave of Blackburn Cathedral
Blackburn Cathedral
Temple Court, Blackburn
Stained glass window in Blackburn Cathedral.
Doorway into Blackburn Cathedral
First Mayor of Blackburn statue
An autumnal view over Thirlmere


The Lantern Tower, Blackburn Cathedral
Virgin and Child sculpture by Josefina de Vasconcellos
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography
Wasdale, and Wastwater Landscape Photography